Thursday, July 17, 2008

Artichoke anyone ?

One of the office mokcik, from now on will be referred to as MokTiChoke, seems to be extremely fond of artichoke. There was a season where she seems to be so yearning for arthichoke but she couldn't find it anywhere in her home country.

Coincidentally at that time, it was Nov 2007, i was in sydn3y on duty travel, with a gang of mokcik kiah from the office and one pokcik karg0. On the last 2 days we were in Sydn3y, MokTiChoke, sent us an emergency SMS asking us to bring home arthichoke. So all of us went round and round Sydn3y trying to find the artichoke for her. To no avail. We went back to the office without the artichoke.

Being an employee to an airline company, within a few days, another mokcik went to Zur1ch for holiday and without fail, MokTiChoke also "kirim-ed" with the going-to-Zur1ch mokcik. At that time it was in December - where got lah artichoke, but being a true friend the going-to-Zur1ch mokcik did try her best to find the artichoke.

From then onwards, everytime there is anybody "naik kapal terbang je" for sure MokTiChoke will "kirim". And being in the airline, there will always be someone from the office on duty travel. The pattern of "kirim" went on and on and on for months until June 2008 when finally MokcikKenalSemuaOrang went to Amsterdam and successfully brought back THE ARTICHOKE.

So like this lah rupa dan rasa artichoke ni ...

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