Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Okey okey ini jawapannya ... Pertandingan di tutup sudah !

1. Daun Kesum
2. Ulam Raja
3. Daun Pegaga
4. Daun Kemangi/Selasih
5. ??
6. Mengkudu
7. Sirih
8. Kedondong

Friends have given up on #5 , which I can understand. So NO WINNER THIS TIME :) jangan mareeee ...
The leaves/spices is not a very common Malay cooking ingredients.
And some more I use the photo of the young leaves and tree, coz' that's how "young" the tree is at my house :) And I do like to eat the pucuk as ulam :)

This is the photo of more matured leaves reference from TROPILAB website.

And with the nice flowers and fruits ...

The answer is EUGENIA POLYANTHA - DAUN SALAM. Some of my Trg friends call it Daun Serai Kayu ...
Read more at http://www.tropilab.com/salam.html

Synonym: syzygium polyanthum.
Common name: Indonesian bay leaf, salam blad, daun salam manting, serah, kelat samak, Indonesische lorbeerblatt.
Family: myrthaceae (myrtle family).

Salam is a deciduous tropical tree with spreading branches and simple leaves, originally from Indonesia; it is also growing abundantly in Suriname.
Indonesian bay leaf can reach a height of 90 feet although 60 feet is more common.
The flowers are pink and somewhat fragrant while the fruits are round; red at first, later brown.
The seeds are small and brown.
The dried brown leaves of daun salam are aromatic and somewhat sour; used as a spice in the Indonesian - as well the Surinam kitchen; they are applied to meat.
The main phytochemicals in this plant are: eugenol, citral and methylchavicol.


Anonymous said...

o..oh..oh...daun salam ye. Mmg tak pernah tengok pun. Dried bay leaf tu pernahlah...

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InaOK said...

Lla ... daun salam rupanya...
puas lah kita memikir ..apalagi setelah u kata daun tu digunakan dlm rendang Minang.
HeHe ..nampak sgt kita ni Org Minang kelabu asap ...
Nampak gaya kena cari blog org Minang , nak kena belajar balik
pasal bahasa dan segala serba serbi ttg Minangkabau ...

Anonymous said...

teringin nk tgk secara close daun salam ni..