Monday, November 13, 2006

FOC - Where to go ?

Mr Boss asked why he hasn’t sign my FOC application. Apparently I am the only few who have not submitted the forms.
It didn’t trigger me that my yearly FOC which I earned in 2005 will expire Dec 15th 2006 … in 4 weeks time !!!

Here are my problems :
a) It is difficult to book flight seats at this time of the year, what not with the holiday season.
b) The "ongkos" factor. 2 Eids+school start in a span of 2.5 months ... and no hope of Bonus announcement from Mr MD.
c) The Ayahanda's still-not-finalized plan is yet another major dependency.

I can’t imagine me traveling with the 4 little Wans without another adult. The last air travel (more than 2 hr) was to Melbourne visiting the Doc-sis's family and we had a difficult time trying to keep Uqbah on his seat. Uqbah is a very restless kid plus a bit claustrophobic. He can’t stand being in a confined space for more than 10 minutes. At 2 yrs of age, he's too young to appreciate the Inflight Entertainment. The paracetamol has minimum impact on him. He slept for 1 hour and the balance of the time, he “tawaf-ed” in the plane so many times and we were afraid the food trolley will knock him.

Padan muka sendiri. Plan last minute ni memang memfeninkan kefala, siapa susah ... sendiri juga.

As Mr Tan Sri's bebelan ... "Kan I dah cakap, book 2 3 months ahead, macam I ni ha. Dah settle, November 23rd dah fly ... bye to you" . Ye le Mr Tan Sri, aku yang bersalah .

Last resort is to apply to HR for an extension ... ayooo kena pergi "menghadap". I will leave this for the very very very last option ... just because I don't like to have to "menghadap".

Where would you go if you have FOC air tickets for the whole family on a limited budget and short time like ... 3 or 4 days the most ?

This country do look interesting, isn't it ? No ... that's not Mongolia !
Now who can help me on the "ongkos" part ?


Anonymous said...

Waaa seronoknya...Turkey... menarik tu. AT least you kena sedia ongkos makan-jalan-shopping aje. Kami ni flight je dah terus tak mampu :(

Anonymous said...

la,kata nak pi HK Disneyland?I tak bagi cukup info ke haritu?hehehe

Kak Teapot said...

Hi ninuk!. I've been a silent reader of yr blog. If u dont mind, u can always pass the 'foc' to me...(tak malu punyer org..hehe)

Cherry said...

aza - ye betul. hendak seribu daya, tak ndak sejuta dalih.
linda - apalah awak punya clue - go online. tengah tak de mood nak click click ni.
honey mj - ooo rupanya awak yang selalu mengintai tapi tak bagi salam yea. welcome. nak tumpang laundry sekali pun boleh.

Anonymous said...

ohoh.. kak ninuk, We've met once at the Read-aloud session near ur house err sumwhere last year... My proposition is.. syria sbb belanja kat sana relatively cheap.. and kalau tak kisah leh lepak umah student... they are also very helpful tourist guide but of course do give the some money to suppport their lives there, after all most of them belajar kat sana dgn duit mak ayah je...

I do have contact persons there...