Saturday, June 16, 2007

Mission accomplished !

For the first time since my employment with this Co, I've to present a paper for approval to spend money (not mine) ... in front of a committee which I've been hearing all sorts of "tough" stories. And I was supposed to drag along more experience-with-the-committee collegues. Had 3 candidates in my mind but none of them are available - speaking of kawan di masa susah. Anyway, for the last one week, I've been going around asking for what are others' experiences and learning the Dos and Don'ts. What line works and what line to be avoided. What I hold dearly is "don't say too much" just "say enough".

I keep rehearsing my lines the night before and the 2 hr morning wait at the Immigration office (to pick up Bibik's visa) provided a good timing for silent rehearsal. I arrived at the meeting room early and waited patiently (and nervously) until my time. When they called me, I keep telling myself the rule ... "don't say too much" just "say enough".

So I presented my case ... point1, point2, point3, point4 ... then concluded as quickly as I can. I stumbled a bit on the final evaluation point because I was told, by one of the "tip"pers, to simplify but I guess I've over simplified things. One of committee member demanded the detail analysis, which I have but did not submit on recommendation from one of my tippers,so I told her I'll resubmit. Shuuuyyyy I thought it will be downhill from that point but luckily the other members were OK on the overall analysis and pointed that it's a good cost saving for the Co with the new approach (onsite offsite balancing)bla bla bla and good benchmark data .... oklah ... after 15 minutes ... I hear the statement that I wanted to hear ... "We approve this paper and you can proceed, however please submit your detail evaluation to complete the submission" ... wokeyyy that's not a problem .

Phewwww ! Mission accomplished !

When I updated M4d4m in her room, she's so happy, siap bangun dari kerusi lagi "Good Job for 1st timer" .
Alhamdulillah ... now I can have a good weekend and prepare the next step ... Monday lah.


ekantona said... you managed to 'NOT to say too much', and just 'say enough', hemm?! :-)..must be hard for you ..hehe
Anyway congratulations , i yang kelam kelibut nak prepare material for my presentation, err..b4 i leave!

UglyButAdorable said...

alhamdullilah...janji approve..

Cherry said...

ekantona : itu yg susah tu ... belajar DIAM ... but i'm mastering it.
UBA : approved. not doing the PO and getting the "goodies"