Friday, December 09, 2005


Friday morning does not start very well. I am not very "happy" with a decision which I feel is not based on the right justification and reasoning. I've put up my point more than twice but it just doesn't seem to get through. The other party still defending the decision with a lost-at-the-round-about manner with higher than normal pitch.

So I felt like the left lion, cornered but me as me lah .. still buat muka selamba.
I am sure later, later, later my view point will be appreciated and stand to be the right decision.

I've learned to "back off" when it is not the time yet to fight back. Have to find the right time and the right occasion ... no no no this is not politics but to me it is more like strategizing my next move.

I've learnt that it is not always easy to do the right thing but me as me lah ... believe in keeping to principles. I did a personality test a few years back and mine is GOLD colour. Principles oriented person - can be good can be a bad attributes, depending on situation.

Thank you (again)
Maria Ho for the above photo and also this baby in the sink photo.

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