Monday, December 12, 2005

What Is Your Qurban plan for this year ?

I've been joining the Al-Ameen Korban di Kemboja for the last 5 years.
The most unforgetful was back in 1999/2000 when I joined 2 portions at one go. One under my name and another one as a present from me to a person.

This year, Alhamdullilah, I manage to allocate one portion for the Al-Ameen programme.
In addition, we also book 2 portions for the Qurban back in Pulau Duyong Kecil, KT. This one is more for the family spirit together gether with the waris warah.

Anyway, if you have some extra rezeki, do join the Al-Ameen Korban di Kemboja.

Al-Ameen Serve Holdings Sdn Bhd - Korban & Aqiqah di Kemboja Tahun ke 12
Program ini memudahkan peserta menunaikan ibadah korban & Aqiqah di Kemboja.
Yuran penyertaan:

Ibadah Korban - RM195 untuk satu bahagian lembu atau RM395 untuk satu ekor kambing.

Ibadah Aqiqah - RM230 untuk satu bahagian lembu atau RM395 untuk satu ekor kambing.


shidah said...

salam. i tak ambik upah jahit, but if u r looking for white jubah for a boy around 4-5 years, i ada beli masa pegi umrah, but my son never got to wear it sebab he is too tall :( . if u don't mind receiving it, give me your address, i shall mail it 2 u 4 free. anyway my e-mail is

InaOK said...

Alhamdulillah....segala amalan akan mendapat ganjaran dari NYA..InsyaALLAH, Amin